Observation mode: Brightfield.
Digital head:
LCD screen: High definition 7” LCD.
Camera: 1920×1080 pixels, 30fps (video). Up to 1844×1080 pixels (photo).
Storing capacity: On Micro Sd card
Video recording: Yes
Measuring funcion: Yes, simple line measurement
Optical head with eyepiece included
Nosepiece: Quadruple ball bearings revolving nosepiece, reversed.
– Achromatic 4x/0.10, with anti-fungus treatment
– Achromatic 10x/0.25, with anti-fungus treatment
– Achromatic 40x/0.65, with anti-fungus treatment
Specimen stage: StagErase™ eraseable fixed stage, 120×110 mm, with sample clips.
Focusing: Coaxial coarse and fine focusing mechanism with limit stop to prevent the contact between objective and specimen.
Condenser: N.A. 0.65 with iris diaphragm.
Illumination: 1 W LED, with brightness control, rechargeable batteries (not included).
Color temperature: 6,300 K.
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